Job vacancies – 3 September deadline
We have further vacancies to join our night time support staff. Job specs for receptionist and support worker as follows: Job Spec Receptionist Job Spec Crisis Cafe Support Worker
Job vacancies with Scarborough Survivors
Due to continued service expansion and the reopening of our Mental Health Resource Centre and Crisis Cafe with extended hours, we are looking to fill the following job roles to cover 7 days and 7 nights. Job Spec Weekend Coordinator Job Spec Receptionist Job Spec...
Support at Scarborough A & E
From January 1 2021 we are proud to announce that we will be working alongside colleagues in the A&E department of Scarborough Hospital to provide support to people presenting to A&E who are in distress.
A&E support worker vacancy
Please get in touch if you would like an application pack. All applications must be submitted by 23 December.
Salvation Army Christmas Day Meal and Hamper provision
The Salvation Army in Scarborough is offering a Christmas Day Meal and Hamper to elderly and homeless people to support them on Christmas day. If you know anyone who would be eligible for this support please use the application form attached. Forms should ideally be...
Counselling support
Due to the ongoing uncertainty as to when we will be able to open our Resource Centre, we have had to make the difficult decision to close our counselling list. It is only when we can open our doors that we will be able to resume this service, therefore it is not in...
Telephone support flyer
If you would like to receive a copy our updated flyer as a PDF file please get in touch.
Change to telephone support service
We have made some changes to our telephone support service. Our website has been updated to show the new times that our numbers are available. The service will run on the days and times that we would normally be open as a day time drop-in service and a night time...
Aviva Community Fund
http:// We would like to recruit and train 20 volunteer Positive Buddies. Can you help us raise £10k by 12 October 2020 to make this possible? Please go to the Aviva Community Fund...
Telephone support service update
We continue to offer telephone support 7 days and 7 nights, managed by professional staff. Some small changes have been made to the times each number is available. The latest update is displayed on our website and on this flyer. Please feel free to share this...
National Time to Change Quiz
Scarborough Survivors are coordinators for North Yorkshire Time to Change Organic Hub. We look forward to joining Hubs from across the UK for an informal quiz night on 20 August. Anyone is welcome join us via Eventbrite and meet some of the amazing Champions who are...
Update on opening Centre
Our board of trustees met via Zoom on 30 July. Due to the continued uncertainty and practicalities of running a face-to-face service with ongoing restrictions in place, it was agreed that there would be a gradual phased return to services from around mid-September,...
Help us to spread the word…
We want more people to talk about mental health to reduce stigma and ensure that people get help. If you can display and share this poster that would be a great help. If you like anywhere in North Yorkshire and would like to send us a photo of the poster displayed...
Visit our social media sites
Since lockdown began, like many others, we have been relying more on social media to reach out to our community about mental health awareness and the importance of reducing stigma. Visit our North Yorkshire Time to Change pages at...