Scarborough Survivors
Scarborough Survivors is a registered charity and mental health & wellbeing hub, supporting the Borough of Scarborough
Our Mental Health Resource Centre is open 7 days a week from 11.30am to 4.30pm
Our Crisis Cafe is open 7 nights a week from 7.30pm – 1am
Anyone aged 16 and over is welcome to call in and see us for social contact, activities and mental health support.
Telephone support available 7 days & 7 nights – please ring or text 07562 974101 during our normal opening hours.
Registered charity number 1044058

Professional / referrals only
Monday – Friday
A & E Crisis Support
Our experienced crisis support staff work alongside colleagues at Scarborough Hospital A & E department to support people
aged 16 and over who are in distress: Thursday & Friday: 2pm – 2am; Saturday & Sunday: 8am – 2am
0800 051 6171
Crisis Response Line
07860 102 516
7 Days a week from 6pm until 10pm
0800 051 6171
Crisis Support Line
07562 974 101
116 123
0800 561 0076
For anyone registered with a GP in North Yorkshire: Monday – Thursday: 5pm – 8:30pm; Friday: 4:30pm Onwards; Weekends & Bank Holidays: 24 Hours
Telephone Support
Ring or text us on the following numbers, covered by trained staff 7 days & 5 nights. Please include your name when sending a text message.
07516 916290
Professional / referrals only:
Monday – Friday
07759 638733
Monday & Wednesday:
11:30am – 4:30pm
07395 824526
Tuesday: 11:30am – 4:30pm
Thursday: 11:30am – 1:30pm
07562 974101
Tuesday & Wednesday:
7:30pm – 1:00am
07446 192833
Thursday: 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Friday: 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Saturday & Sunday: 11:30am – 4:30pm
07845 846113
Friday & Saturday:
7:30pm – 1:00am
07860 102516
Friday: 11:30am – 1:30pm
Sunday: 7:30pm – 1:00am
Mental Health Crisis Support
0800 051 6171
*24 Hour Helplines available for anyone who is experiencing a mental health crisis
0300 0200 317
0300 0200 317
0800 051 6171
For anyone registered with a GP in North Yorkshire. Available As Follows:
Monday – Thursday: 5pm – 8:30pm
Friday: 4:30pm Onwards
Weekends & Bank Holidays Available 24 Hours
The following links offer advice & support:
A & E Crisis Support
Our experienced crisis support staff are working alongside colleagues at Scarborough Hospital A & E department to support people who are in distress.
Thursday & Friday: 2pm – 2am
Saturday & Sunday: 8am – 2am
Who are Scarborough Survivors?
Scarborough Survivors has 25 years of experience representing and supporting people with poor mental health.
Our drop-in services for anyone aged 16 and over can be accessed 7 days a week and 7 nights a week.
Our Whitby Allsorts group meets at Whitby Pavillion on a Wednesday from 1 – 4pm.
We are a service-user led charity. Our members, with experience of mental health problems, either personally or as a carer, close relative or friend, have a direct say in how we are managed to ensure we best meet the needs of those accessing our services. We represent the voice of the service user in the mental health arena.
Who are Scarborough Survivors?
Scarborough Survivors is a registered charity with 25 years of experience representing and supporting people with poor mental health.
Under normal circumstances, our Mental Health Resource Centre at 9 Alma Square, Scarborough is open 7 days a week and our Crisis Cafe is open 5 nights per week. Our Whitby Allsorts group meet on a Wednesday at the Spa Pavillion. Our services are drop-in and free to access by anyone aged 16 or over.
We are a service-user led charity. Our members, with experience of mental health problems, either personally or as a carer, close relative or friend, have a direct say in how we are managed to ensure we best meet the needs of those accessing our services.
Accessing support using a mobile phone:
Shout 85258 – free 24/7 text support, CALM, Headspace, The Fire Fighters Charity, Be Mindful, Stay Alive App, MindShift…plus many others.
Sources of online support including Anxiety UK and the Mindfulness Association.
Support for under 25 years:
- 0808 808 4994 for online chat & crisis text service
Compass Reach North Yorkshire Services:
- 0800 008 7452
- Text 07520 631168
Online activities for well being:
- Music for wellbeing
- North Yorkshire Music Therapy Centre
- NHS pilates on youtube
- Roots of Yggdrasil exercise classes
Free learning opportunities with the:
Online learning & helpful courses:
NYCC Adult Learning are offering free online courses during Covid-19 lockdown. For more details ring 01609 532536; email:
Accessing support using a mobile phone:
Shout 85258 – free 24/7 text support, CALM, Headspace, The Fire Fighters Charity, Be Mindful, Stay Alive App, MindShift…plus many other sources of online support including Anxiety UK and the Mindfulness Association.
Support for under 25 years:
- 0808 808 4994 for online chat & crisis text service
Compass Reach North Yorkshire Services:
- 0800 008 7452
- Text 07520 631168
Online activities for well being:
- Music for wellbeing
- North Yorkshire Music Therapy Centre
- NHS pilates on youtube
- Roots of Yggdrasil exercise classes
Free learning opportunities with the:
Online learning & helpful courses:
NYCC Adult Learning are offering free online courses during the Covid-19 lockdown. For more details ring 01609 532536; email:
Night Time Crisis Cafe
7 nights a week from 7:30pm to 1am
We offer drop-in support to those who are suffering from a mental health crisis or are in distress or those who are seeking to prevent the onset of crisis.
It is a safe sanctuary for people in times of distress in a homely and supportive environment.
Please be aware this is for people in need of immediate attention and is not for drop-in for socialising.
The Crisis Cafe is run by professionally trained staff. The service is managed by Senior Support Workers with Support Workers and volunteers.
Night Time Crisis Cafe
When normal services resume, we offer drop-in support to those who are suffering from a mental health crisis or distress or those who are seeking to prevent the onset of crisis. A safe sanctuary for people in times of distress in a homely and supportive environment.
Open For 7 Days a Week:
7:30pm – 1am
Please be aware this is for people in need of immediate attention and is not for drop-in socialising. The Crisis Cafe is ran by a Senior Support Worker and three support workers and is supported by volenteers.
We have an Activities Coordinator to support memers to access our social activities, all of which are free. The range of activities will be extended over the weeks and months ahead.
If you would like to attend regularly, we ask that a membership form be completed.
Listening Ear
Usually on a Wednesday
Call in to talk in confidence about your mental health.
Monday: 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Fresh air and gentle exercise at Cross Lane and say hello to the hens! (Please note this activity is seasonal and ends in November).
Feel Good Walk
Wednesday: 1.30pm – 3.30pm
First Saturday: 12.15pm – 3.15pm
Enjoy a social walk with a coffee stop. Suitable for moderate mobility. Monthly extended walk on a Saturday.
The Hub
Friday: 12.30pm – 2.15pm
Games and socialising at this church-run social space on St Nicholas Street
Monday: 1pm – 2.30pm
No experience necessary… just have a go with any method that uses words on a page
Tuesday: 2pm – 4pm
Not a test of your knowledge, more an oppurtunity to talk about a range of topics.
Art & Craft
Thursday: 1pm – 3pm
No experience needed and all arts/craft materials provided.
Saturday and Sunday
Boardgames and socialising in the centre.
New and more varied activities are being planned all the time so watch this space!
All our social activities are free. Board games, cards, colouring-in and a karaoke machine can be used at any time. If you would like to attend regularly, we ask that a membership form be completed.
(Please note, these are not running due to lockdown restrictions)
Monday: 1pm – 2pm
No experience neccacery, have a go with percussion, guitar or keyboards.
Monday: 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Fresh air and gentle exercise at Cross Lane and say hello to the hens!
Tuesday: 2pm – 4pm
Not a test of your knowledge, more an oppurtunity to talk about a range of topics.
Arts & Crafts
Thursday: 1pm – 3pm
Saturday: 2pm – 3pm
No experience needed & all art/craft materials provided.
Fragle Funky Choir
Friday: 1pm – 2:30pm
Singing has a really positive impact on metal well being and every voice counts.
Monday: 1pm – 2:30pm
No specific themes…just have a go with any method that uses words on a page
IT Help
Monday: 12:30pm – 2pm
Help to access online technology safely and securely.
Feel Good Walk
Wednesday: 1:30pm – 3:30pm & First Saturday: 12:15pm – 3:15pm
Enjoy a social walk with a coffee stop- suitable for moderate mobility. Monthly extended walk on a Saturday.
Listening Ear
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 12pm – 4pm
Call in to talk in confidence about your mental health.